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A simple search and replace on a variable. This is equivalent to the PHP's str_replace() function.

Parameter Position Type Required Default Description
1 string Yes n/a This is the string of text to be replaced.
2 string Yes n/a This is the string of text to replace with.

Example 5.16. replace


$smarty->assign('articleTitle', "Child's Stool Great for Use in Garden.");



Where template is:

{$articleTitle|replace:' ':'   '}


Will output:

Child's Stool Great for Use in Garden.
Child's Stool Great for Use in Vineyard.
Child's   Stool   Great   for   Use   in   Garden.


See also regex_replace and escape.

by Ian R on Jan 4, 2012 at 5:15
I have never had success using replace with dashes. Using the above example: {$articleTitle|replace:' ':'-'} will output "Child'sStoolGreatforUseinGarden." I have no idea why this is (any other reasonable character works fine) but other people should know so they don't rip their hair out like I have been.


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