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Variables loaded from config files

Variables that are loaded from the config files are referenced by enclosing them within #hash marks#, or with the smarty variable $smarty.config. The later syntax is useful for embedding into quoted attribute values.

Example 4.6. config variables

Example config file - foo.conf:

pageTitle = "This is mine"
bodyBgColor = '#eeeeee'
tableBorderSize = 3
tableBgColor = "#bbbbbb"
rowBgColor = "#cccccc"


A template demonstrating the #hash# method:

{config_load file='foo.conf'}
<body bgcolor="{#bodyBgColor#}">
<table border="{#tableBorderSize#}" bgcolor="{#tableBgColor#}">
<tr bgcolor="{#rowBgColor#}">


A template demonstrating the $smarty.config method:

{config_load file='foo.conf'}
<body bgcolor="{$smarty.config.bodyBgColor}">
<table border="{$smarty.config.tableBorderSize}" bgcolor="{$smarty.config.tableBgColor}">
<tr bgcolor="{$smarty.config.rowBgColor}">


Both examples would output:

<title>This is mine</title>
<body bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<table border="3" bgcolor="#bbbbbb">
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">


Config file variables cannot be used until after they are loaded in from a config file. This procedure is explained later in this document under {config_load}.

See also variables and $smarty reserved variables

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