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assign() — assign variables/objects to the templates


void assign(mixed var);
void assign(string varname,
            mixed var,
            bool nocache);

You can explicitly pass name/value pairs, or associative arrays containing the name/value pairs.

If you pass the optional third nocache parameter of TRUE, the variable is assigned as nocache variable. See Cacheability of Variables for details.


When you assign/register objects to templates, be sure that all properties and methods accessed from the template are for presentation purposes only. It is very easy to inject application logic through objects, and this leads to poor designs that are difficult to manage. See the Best Practices section of the Smarty website.

Example 14.6. assign()

// passing name/value pairs
$smarty->assign('Name', 'Fred');
$smarty->assign('Address', $address);

// passing an associative array
$smarty->assign(array('city' => 'Lincoln', 'state' => 'Nebraska'));

// passing an array
$myArray = array('no' => 10, 'label' => 'Peanuts');

// passing a row from a database (eg adodb)
$sql = 'select id, name, email from contacts where contact ='.$id;
$smarty->assign('contact', $db->getRow($sql));

These are accessed in the template with

{* note the vars are case sensitive like php *}

{$}, {$foo.label}
{$}, {$},{$}

To access more complex array assignments see {foreach} and {section}

See also assignByRef(), getTemplateVars(), clearAssign(), append() and {assign}