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{block} is used to define a named area of template source for template inheritance. For details see section of Template Interitance.

The {block} template source area of a child template will replace the correponding areas in the parent template(s).

Optionally {block} areas of child and parent templates can be merged into each other. You can append or prepend the parent {block} content by using the append or prepend option flag with the childs {block} definition. With the {$smarty.block.parent} the {block} content of the parent template can be inserted at any location of the child {block} content. {$smarty.block.child} inserts the {block} content of the child template at any location of the parent {block}.

{blocks}'s can be nested.


Attribute Name Type Required Default Description
name string Yes n/a The name of the template source block

Option Flags (in child templates only):

Name Description
append The {block} content will be be appended to the content of the parent template {block}
prepend The {block} content will be prepended to the content of the parent template {block}
hide Ignore the block content if no child block of same name is existing.
nocache Disables caching of the {block} content

Example 7.15. Simple {block} example


    <title>{block name="title"}Default Title{/block}</title>
    <title>{block "title"}Default Title{/block}</title>  {* short-hand  *}



{extends file="parent.tpl"} 
{block name="title"}
Page Title


The result would look like

    <title>Page Title</title>

Example 7.16. Prepend {block} example


    <title>{block name="title"}Title - {/block}</title>



{extends file="parent.tpl"} 
{block name="title" prepend}
Page Title


The result would look like

    <title>Title - Page Title</title>

Example 7.17. Append {block} example


    <title>{block name="title"} is my title{/block}</title>



{extends file="parent.tpl"} 
{block name="title" append}
Page Title


The result would look like

    <title>Page title is my titel</title>

Example 7.18. {$smarty.block.child} example


    <title>{block name="title"}The {$smarty.block.child} was inserted here{/block}</title>



{extends file="parent.tpl"} 
{block name="title"}
Child Title


The result would look like

    <title>The Child Title was inserted here</title>

Example 7.19. {$smarty.block.parent} example


    <title>{block name="title"}Parent Title{/block}</title>



{extends file="parent.tpl"} 
{block name="title"}
You will see now - {$smarty.block.parent} - here


The result would look like

    <title>You will see now - Parent Title - here</title>

See also Template Inheritance, $smarty.block.parent, $smarty.block.child, and {extends}