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Template Inheritance
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Math can be applied directly to variable values.
Example 3.7. math examples
{$foo+1} {$foo*$bar} {* some more complicated examples *} {$foo->bar-$bar[1]*$baz->foo->bar()-3*7} {if ($foo+$bar.test%$baz*134232+10+$b+10)} {$foo|truncate:"`$fooTruncCount/$barTruncFactor-1`"} {assign var="foo" value="`$foo+$bar`"}
Although Smarty can handle some very complex expressions and syntax, it is a good rule of thumb to keep the template syntax minimal and focused on presentation. If you find your template syntax getting too complex, it may be a good idea to move the bits that do not deal explicitly with presentation to PHP by way of plugins or modifiers.