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template_exists() — checks whether the specified template exists
bool template_exists(string template);
It can accept either a path to the template on the filesystem or a resource string specifying the template.
Example 13.26. template_exists()
This example uses $_GET['page']
a content template. If the template does not exist then an error page
is displayed instead. First the page_container.tpl
<html> <head><title>{$title}</title></head> <body> {include file='page_top.tpl'} {* include middle content page *} {include file=$content_template} {include file='page_footer.tpl'} </body>
And the php script
<?php // set the filename eg index.inc.tpl $mid_template = $_GET['page'].'.inc.tpl'; if( !$smarty->template_exists($mid_template) ){ $mid_template = 'page_not_found.tpl'; } $smarty->assign('content_template', $mid_template); $smarty->display('page_container.tpl'); ?>