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Template Inheritance
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You can apply any number of modifiers to a variable. They will be
applied in the order they are combined, from left to right. They must
be separated with a |
(pipe) character.
Example 6.1. combining modifiers
<?php $smarty->assign('articleTitle', 'Smokers are Productive, but Death Cuts Efficiency.'); ?>
where template is:
{$articleTitle} {$articleTitle|upper|spacify} {$articleTitle|lower|spacify|truncate} {$articleTitle|lower|truncate:30|spacify} {$articleTitle|lower|spacify|truncate:30:". . ."}
The above example will output:
Smokers are Productive, but Death Cuts Efficiency. S M O K E R S A R ....snip.... H C U T S E F F I C I E N C Y . s m o k e r s a r ....snip.... b u t d e a t h c u t s... s m o k e r s a r e p r o d u c t i v e , b u t . . . s m o k e r s a r e p. . .