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This is used to set a default value for a variable. If the variable is unset or an empty string, the given default value is printed instead. Default takes the one argument.


With error_reporting(E_ALL), undeclared variables will always throw an error within the template. This function is useful for replacing null or zero length strings.

Parameter Position Type Required Default Description
1 string No empty This is the default value to output if the variable is empty.

Example 5.9. default


$smarty->assign('articleTitle', 'Dealers Will Hear Car Talk at Noon.');
$smarty->assign('email', '');



Where template is:

{$articleTitle|default:'no title'}
{$myTitle|default:'no title'}
{$email|default:'No email address available'}


Will output:

Dealers Will Hear Car Talk at Noon.
no title
No email address available


See also the default variable handling and the blank variable handling pages.