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{textformat} is a block function used to format text. It basically cleans up spaces and special characters, and formats paragraphs by wrapping at a boundary and indenting lines.

You can set the parameters explicitly, or use a preset style. Currently email is the only available style.

Attribute Name Type Required Default Description
style string No n/a Preset style
indent number No 0 The number of chars to indent every line
indent_first number No 0 The number of chars to indent the first line
indent_char string No (single space) The character (or string of chars) to indent with
wrap number No 80 How many characters to wrap each line to
wrap_char string No \n The character (or string of chars) to break each line with
wrap_cut boolean No FALSE If TRUE, wrap will break the line at the exact character instead of at a word boundary
assign string No n/a The template variable the output will be assigned to

Example 8.22. {textformat}

   {textformat wrap=40}

   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.



The above example will output:

   This is foo. This is foo. This is foo.
   This is foo. This is foo. This is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo
   foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar
   foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo
   bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo.


   {textformat wrap=40 indent=4}

   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.



The above example will output:

   This is foo. This is foo. This is
   foo. This is foo. This is foo. This
   is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo
   foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo
   bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo.
   bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar
   foo foo.


   {textformat wrap=40 indent=4 indent_first=4}

   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.



The above example will output:

   This is foo. This is foo. This
   is foo. This is foo. This is foo.
   This is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar
   foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar
   foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo
   foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo
   bar foo foo.


   {textformat style="email"}

   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.
   This is foo.

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.
   bar foo bar foo     foo.



The above example will output:

   This is foo. This is foo. This is foo. This is foo. This is foo. This is

   This is bar.

   bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo
   bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo foo. bar foo bar foo


See also {strip} and wordwrap.