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{math} allows the template designer to do math equations in the template.

  • Any numeric template variables may be used in the equations, and the result is printed in place of the tag.

  • The variables used in the equation are passed as parameters, which can be template variables or static values.

  • +, -, /, *, abs, ceil, cos, exp, floor, log, log10, max, min, pi, pow, rand, round, sin, sqrt, srans and tan are all valid operators. Check the PHP documentation for further information on these math functions.

  • If you supply the assign attribute, the output of the {math} function will be assigned to this template variable instead of being output to the template.

Technical Note

{math} is an expensive function in performance due to its use of the php eval() function. Doing the math in PHP is much more efficient, so whenever possible do the math calculations in the script and assign() the results to the template. Definitely avoid repetitive {math} function calls, eg within {section} loops.

Attribute Name Type Required Default Description
equation string Yes n/a The equation to execute
format string No n/a The format of the result (sprintf)
var numeric Yes n/a Equation variable value
assign string No n/a Template variable the output will be assigned to
[var ...] numeric Yes n/a Equation variable value

Example 8.21. {math}

Example a:

   {* $height=4, $width=5 *}

   {math equation="x + y" x=$height y=$width}


The above example will output:



Example b:

   {* $row_height = 10, $row_width = 20, #col_div# = 2, assigned in template *}

   {math equation="height * width / division"


The above example will output:



Example c:

   {* you can use parenthesis *}

   {math equation="(( x + y ) / z )" x=2 y=10 z=2}


The above example will output:



Example d:

   {* you can supply a format parameter in sprintf format *}

   {math equation="x + y" x=4.4444 y=5.0000 format="%.2f"}

The above example will output:
