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assign_by_ref() — assign values by reference


void assign_by_ref(string varname,
                   mixed var);

This is used to assign() values to the templates by reference instead of making a copy. See the PHP manual on variable referencing for an explanation.

Technical Note

This is used to assign values to the templates by reference. If you assign a variable by reference then change its value, the assigned value sees the change as well. For objects, assign_by_ref() also avoids an in-memory copy of the assigned object. See the PHP manual on variable referencing for an in-depth explanation.

Example 13.4. assign_by_ref()

// passing name/value pairs
$smarty->assign_by_ref('Name', $myname);
$smarty->assign_by_ref('Address', $address);


See also assign(), clear_all_assign(), append(), {assign} and get_template_vars().