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assign() — assign values to the templates


void assign(mixed var);
void assign(string varname,
            mixed var);

You can explicitly pass name/value pairs, or associative arrays containing the name/value pairs.

Example 13.3. assign()

// passing name/value pairs
$smarty->assign('Name', 'Fred');
$smarty->assign('Address', $address);

// passing an associative array
$smarty->assign(array('city' => 'Lincoln', 'state' => 'Nebraska'));

// passing an array
$myArray = array('no' => 10, 'label' => 'Peanuts');

// passing a row from a database (eg adodb)
$sql = 'select id, name, email from contacts where contact ='.$id;
$smarty->assign('contact', $db->getRow($sql));

These are accessed in the template with

{* note the vars are case sensitive like php *}

{$}, {$foo.label}
{$}, {$},{$}

To access more complex array assignments see {foreach} and {section}

See also assign_by_ref(), get_template_vars(), clear_assign(), append() and {assign}