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Every Smarty tag either prints a variable or invokes some sort of function. These are processed and displayed by enclosing the function and its attributes within delimiters like so: {funcname attr1='val1' attr2='val2'}.

Example 3.3. function syntax

{config_load file='colors.conf'}

{include file='header.tpl'}
{insert file='banner_ads.tpl' title='Smarty is cool'}

{if $logged_in}
    Welcome, <font color="{#fontColor#}">{$name}!</font>
    hi, {$name}

{include file='footer.tpl' ad=$random_id}


  • Both built-in functions and custom functions have the same syntax within templates.

  • Built-in functions are the inner workings of Smarty, such as {if}, {section} and {strip}. There should be no need to change or modify them.

  • Custom functions are additional functions implemented via plugins. They can be modified to your liking, or you can create new ones. {html_options} is an example of a custom function.

See also register_function()