What is Smarty?
Why use it?
Use Cases and Work Flow
Syntax Comparison
Template Inheritance
Best Practices
Crash Course
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Every Smarty tag either prints a
variable or invokes some sort
of function. These are processed and displayed by enclosing the
function and its
within delimiters like so:
{funcname attr1='val1' attr2='val2'}
Example 3.3. function syntax
{config_load file='colors.conf'} {include file='header.tpl'} {insert file='banner_ads.tpl' title='Smarty is cool'} {if $logged_in} Welcome, <font color="{#fontColor#}">{$name}!</font> {else} hi, {$name} {/if} {include file='footer.tpl' ad=$random_id}
Both built-in functions and custom functions have the same syntax within templates.
Built-in functions are the
inner workings of Smarty, such as
There should be no need to change or modify them.
Custom functions are
functions implemented via plugins.
They can be modified to your liking, or you can create new ones.
is an example of a custom function.
See also register_function()