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Sites Using Smarty



Posición del Parametro Tipo Requerido Posibles Valores Default Description
1 string No html,htmlall,url,quotes,hex,hexentity,javascript html Este es el formato de escape a utilizar.

Este es usado para escapar html, url, comillas simples para escapar una variable que no este escapada, escapar hex, hexentity o javascript. Por default, la variable html es escapada.

Example 5.10. escape


                "'Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan'"



Donde el template es:

{$articleTitle|escape:"html"}    {* escapes  & " ' < > *}
{$articleTitle|escape:"htmlall"} {* escapes ALL html entities *}
<a href="mailto:{$EmailAddress|escape:"hex"}">{$EmailAddress|escape:"hexentity"}</a>


esta es la salida:

'Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan'
&#039;Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan&#039;
&#039;Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan&#039;
&#039;Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan&#039;
\'Stiff Opposition Expected to Casketless Funeral Plan\'
<a href="mailto:%62%6f%..snip..%65%74">&#x62;&#x6f;&#x62..snip..&#x65;&#x74;</a>


Ver también Escaping Smarty Parsing y Obfuscating E-mail Addresses.